2022 Theme: Turning Our Moment into Movement

Digital Inclusion Week is an annual week of awareness, recognition, and celebration. Organizations and individuals across the country host special events and campaigns to promote digital equity in their communities. This year’s theme is “Turning Our Moment into Movement,” signaling a turning point and time of action for the digital inclusion movement.

Please join us October 3-7, 2022 – this will be our biggest Digital Inclusion Week ever, with seasoned practitioners and newly launched programs hosting virtual and in-person events. DIW aims to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs.

Check out Actions & Events Hosted Nationwide by NDIA Affiliates!

Here’s How It Works: 

  • Create or find an activity in your area that builds inclusion by providing computer training, media literacy, affordable devices, or internet access to people on the wrong side of digital divides – or builds public awareness.
  • Use the social media kit to raise awareness around the digital divide and the incredible work your community is doing to reach digital inclusion.
  • Connect with colleagues around the country to share ideas and inspiration through the NDIA community.
  • Use hashtags #DIW2022 and #digitalequityNOW during the week of October 3-7 to join the conversation and celebrate progress.

Activities, Resources & Free Tools for DIW Actions & Events

Social Media

    1. Organize a social media campaign the week of October 3-7 across platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
    2. Join a Twitter Thunderclap with NDIA and the community of DIW participants on Monday, October 3 at 12 p.m. EST.
    3. Encourage others in your community, including elected officials, program participants, and other supporters, to show their support for digital equity with #DIW2022 and #DigitalEquityNOW.

Engage Elected Officials

Right now, elected officials are key to turning our moment into movement! DIW is a great time to engage in advocacy for digital equity.

    1. Light up a Bridge to “bridge the digital divide” – Use this easy letter template to ask your officials to light a local bridge or building TEAL for DIW.
    2. Encourage elected officials to record and post videos stating their support for digital inclusion, using #DIW2022 and #DigitalEquityNOW.
    3. Ask your city to issue an official proclamation for Digital Inclusion Week. See examples of city’s past DIW proclamations.

Other Community Actions

  • Internet Costs Speak Out: internet costs and speeds don’t always make sense and the best way to draw attention to inconsistencies is for people to share their speed and cost.
  • Mapping Your Digital Divide: Draw attention to the digital inclusion needs in your area by posting a photo on social media displaying the divide. Microsoft recently released a new tool to layer digital inclusion information by neighborhood.
  • PR & Media Opportunities: Get press release and media release templates and tips for media outreach. 

Resources for DIW Events

Events for Digital Skills Training

    1. Find and share resources for free training opportunities with your community.
    2. Hold an event or workshop to offer free digital skills training – they may focus on foundational skills like typing or incorporate workforce development skills, like holding a resume building workshop.

 Events that Increase Access to Devices

    1. Get helpful tips from our Technology Devices Donation Drive toolkit.
    2. Help get affordable and low-cost devices into community hands by engaging in outreach during DIW. You can even partner with a local refurbisher to make this an additional part of your local Digital Inclusion Week event.

Internet Access & ACP Outreach Events

Increase outreach and awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program for DIW2022. 

    1. Use resources in the FCC Consumer Outreach Toolkit to spread the word on social media or at an in-person event.
    2. Consider outreach in other common languages. ACP Para Mi, created by HTTP: Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership, has resources in Spanish and English for the Latinx community.

Join Us for Special DIW Virtual Events

Digital Inclusion 101

Digital Inclusion practitioners have been working to end the digital divide for decades. Digital inclusion is a multifaceted issue that takes time to understand and NDIA is here to help set the stage for what you need to know!

Tuesday, October 4, 2 p.m. EST 

Affordability & Trust: Tips for Impactful Digital Inclusion Work

Join us as we discuss the implications of EveryoneOn’s recent national research and NDIA’s digital equity guides and toolkits, including an introduction to some new resources!

Wednesday, October 5, 2 p.m. EST 

2022 Sponsors

Terabyte Sponsor

Thanks to the 2022 DIW National Committee


Oneisha Freeman – Inspiredu in Atlanta, GA – Committee Co-Chair

Aneta Lee – FUSE Corps in Birmingham, AL – Committee Co-Chair

Lily Abha Cratsley-Tech Goes Home, Lauren Cotter-Community Tech Network, Brittany-Rae Gregory-Next Century Cities, Claire Hegstrom-Alliant Credit Union, Abjot “Abby” Kaur-City of Long Beach, Sammy Lowdermilk-Tech Goes Home Chattanooga, Barbara McDonald Loe-VIA3, Patricia Oppito-VIA3, Jess Ross-Austin Free-Net, Ricky Santiago-City of Louisville, Patricia Steward-Chicago Housing Authority, Lupe Valenzuela-Chicanos Por La Causa, Crystal Yamasaki-Crystal Clear Communications

DIW 2017

Check out 2017’s Digital Inclusion Week

DIW 2018

Check out 2018’s Digital Inclusion Week

IDIW 2018

Check out 2018’s International Digital Inclusion Week

DIW 2019

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2019

DIW 2020

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2020

DIW 2021

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2021