Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) is an annual week of awareness, recognition, and celebration.


With support from NDIA, organizations and individuals across the country host special events, run social media campaigns, and share their digital inclusion actions and progress with media, among other actions.

Thanks to the 687 people and 503 organizations who took action last year,  we celebrated the biggest Digital Inclusion Week (DIW). Communities took action, mayors signed proclamations, librarians signed people up for affordable internet, children received new devices, and advocates around the country showed why digital equity matters.This year, we’re expecting an even bigger impact!

Check out the official DIW2023 community video.

Save the Date for DIW2024: October 7-11








What’s the Point of DIW?

We’re living in a pivotal time for digital inclusion action. More resources than ever are available now and will continue to be released to support digital inclusion work. Take the opportunity to share your work, offer services to your community, raise awareness, and gain supporters, who may be key to continuing digital inclusion. Below are some ways organizations benefit from participating in Digital Inclusion Week:

Opportunity to Raise Awareness around Digital Inclusion, Its Urgency & Benefits

Opportunity for Visibility: Help More Community Members in Need Hear about Your Services

Opportunity to Gain Supporters: Funders, Partners, Policymakers, Donors, Volunteers

All These Benefits Support the Long-Term Sustainability of Your Programs and the Field

DIW2024 Toolkits & Resources

Toolkits are coming soon! 

Sponsor Digital Inclusion Week 2024!

This is the largest spotlight for digital equity throughout the year, with widespread visibility driven by events, media coverage, and local government leaders. Please join us October 7-11, 2024 to publicly demonstrate your company’s support for digital inclusion nationwide. Click below for sponsorship options and contact Regina Cooper Benjamin, NDIA Deputy Director, [email protected], for more information.

Take a Look Back at Past DIWs

DIW 2020

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2020

DIW 2021

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2021

DIW 2022

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2022

DIW 2023

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2023

DIW 2017

Check out 2017’s Digital Inclusion Week

DIW 2018

Check out 2018’s Digital Inclusion Week

IDIW 2018

Check out 2018’s International Digital Inclusion Week

DIW 2019

Check out Digital Inclusion Week 2019